Opening hours

Normal Morning Surgery is Currently Suspended due to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Normal Afternoon Surgery is Currently Suspended due to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Monday to Friday - The Practice Telephone (028 9147 4900) opens at

8:30 for Urgent Care Appointments

9:00 for Routine Care Appointments

Calls are limited so you may find you will have to call back again.

Patients are also asked not to ring in the afternoons unless urgent care is needed.

Dr. Andrew Jackson - Normal Surgery Times are currently suspended due to Covid-19

Dr. Alison Grimshaw  - Normal Surgery Times are currently suspended due to Covid-19

Out of hours Doctor
If emergency help is needed at night, over weekends or during Bank Holidays ‘out of hours’ medical services are provided by North Down and Ards Doctors on Call (co-operative). You can contact them on 028 9182 2344

Who we are

Green Road Medical Practice, which opened in October 2003, is a community practice who provide NHS services to the local area.

We understand that good health is not just related to clinical matters but that it is affected by numerous complex factors. That’s why we don’t believe in just giving out prescriptions but working with our patients to understand their cirucmstances and refer them to other clinics and organisations that will be of best help to them.

We run many clinics for chronic disease care and offer a wide variety of other medical services such as antenatal and postnatal care, minor surgery, childhood vaccinations and well-person check-ups.

We accept new registrations from residents within this area only. Please view the New Patients page for more information on how to register.

Green Road Medical Practice operates out of a modern unit which is located within the Green Road retail centre. The unit has facilities for those who may need assistance. There are disabled toilets, accessible seating, hearing aid loops and the health centre is all on one level. Please let us know if we can assist with mobility, visual or hearing difficulties.

We have a dedicated children’s waiting area to keep them entertained whilst waiting. We ask that parents supervisor their children in the area whilst they are waiting.

Locum Doctors
If one of the doctors is absent due to training, illness or annual leave a fully trained and qualified GP locum doctor will be employed.