Test Results


Test results can be obtained by contacting reception any morning after 9.30am. Unless we have the express written permission, to ensure confidentiality, test results will only be given to patients themselves. This does not apply to children under the age of 16.

Patients are requested to wait at least five working days before contacting the surgery for the results of blood and other tests. This gives time for the tests to be processed by the laboratories; results viewed and interpreted by doctors and nurses who will make decisions about any course of treatment.

Tests or results that require immediate action or treatment will be dealt with appropriately, in some instances the doctor or nurses may telephone the patient directly.

Receptionists are trained in confidentiality and authorised to report on some test results, as these have already been viewed by the doctor, who has left instructions, however abnormal or sensitive results will not be reported by receptionists. (e.g. Pregnancy; Smears)

Sick Lines

Patients must consult with a doctor either by telephone or appointment in order to receive a sick line. Doctor’s sick lines cover absence from work for 7 days or more. Periods of absence from 1-6 days are covered using a Self Certificate. You can download the SSP form here.

The Statutory Sick Pay Regulations state that employers are required to accept self-certification notes (filled in by you) for the first seven days of illness. We cannot issue Doctor’s certificates to Walk In patients.


If you are a patient with a carer, or you are the carer of one of our patients, we will be happy to help with referral to social services or other agencies to assist wth this role. Please contact the reception office. It is also helpful for us to be able to record carers’ contact details on our computer system. Please advise us if you are unhappy for this to happen.

Non NHS services

Most of the services that we provide are free of charge and are funded by the NHS. When non NHS services such as HGV, insurance medical examinations, or non DSS medical certificates are requested, a fee will be payable. Our reception staff will be happy to assist with any questions and in making appointments.